Angela Bentley Fife's Artworld:

ANGELA BENTLEY FIFE'S ARTWORLD: all things right-brained.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

#1 Reason My Blog Has Lapsed

#1...I've been quilting....
#2...Holiday craziness, and watermelon brains...

#3... We got a PUPPY!!


Frances said...

What! A dog!? What's the name? Evie looks so happy with him. Makes me want a dog...almost.

chelsea b james said...

say what? those are so pretty. i want you to teach me all of your tricks. the winter(and pinterest) always gets me into the crafting spirit

amanda james said...

your puppy is so cute! and what, I can't believe you made those quilts. They are amazing. I wanna see those in person. Are you going to the cooking class on friday?

Jennifer said...

Love the quilts. Do you do the quilting yourself? I tried machine quilting once and died a little inside. Too frustrating with my machine. Share some tips, please!

It was fun to see you at the town's New Year's party. I hadn't seen Muse #1 in years. She has a beautiful radiance about her.

Kelsey said...

Ang he's adorable!! I'm excited to see him. I remember jason telling me the names you were considering- what'd you decide on?