Angela Bentley Fife's Artworld:

ANGELA BENTLEY FIFE'S ARTWORLD: all things right-brained.

Friday, June 29, 2012

More Landscapes

 This is the same process I was using with the landscapes a few posts ago. I should clarify a little because I got several questions about it. It is more a process for the painting than it is for the drawing. Yes, grids are an old and proven way to draw from a source, but I think it can make you lazy too. Don't freak out, it's just my opinion. I think if I didn't continue to hone my drawing skills without a grid, I just might lose my eye for really finding the angles and perspective, etc. You may not agree. However, the process of painting within a grid is so intriguing to me. It makes me simplify the image and keep it more abstract. I am loving it! I am working on 4 more right now. 2 landscapes, 2 still lives.
 These 3 paintings were sent to Wally Workman after they sold the other 2 within a week. So maybe they are going to go well and make me rich and famous (hubby wishes)....


Adri said...

I love these landscapes, too! I think they will definitely make you rich and famous! ;)
I met a cousin of yours, Lisa Fife, here in my stake in Colorado....or maybe just a cousin by marriage, since you are both now Fifes.

amanda james said...

i'm obsessed with your cityscapes. i want one! me and cub really want to buy some paintings from you soony. when his store hits it big, we're gonna be your groupies. i can't wait for your childhood memory show.

sammy said...

I looooove these. I too will buy one one day when Michael invents the new Facebook or something....

jensenfamily said...

i love these paintings as well and can't wait to see you soon in Utah! erin