Angela Bentley Fife's Artworld:

ANGELA BENTLEY FIFE'S ARTWORLD: all things right-brained.

Friday, April 24, 2009

New Gallery!

I was approached by a new gallery in Austin, Texas: Wally Workman Gallery. I am very excited and hope it is a good fit for my work. From the looks of the other artists on the website, it looks fantastic! So, I have been working up some new work for my debut there. This is the last of 5 that I will send them. Titled, "Winter Checkered Coat". I have painted this coat before and wanted to revisit it. The checkered pattern was a challenge, but fun.
 I have been listening to podcasts while I paint and am very happy about that. So this painting reminds me of "Wait, Wait don't tell me" (npr) and 'How Deja vu works' from "stuff you should know". That sounds so nerdy but I love nerdcasts. A lot of my paintings remind me of whatever I was listening to for good or bad.
My first goal for the year of picking up a new gallery......check!


Emily said...

congrats! and double congrats on springville!!

BrittanyLane said...

Congratulations! So awesome. I love the painting too.

chelsea b james said...

wow, the artist list at that gallery is amazing! congrats sis! i'm loving that checkered dress and how you let the pattern dissapear.

this bright day said...

hurray! let's celebrate over lunch now and maybe a future art weekend in austin.