After 2 painting sessions I am feeling pretty good about this painting. I feel about 1/2 done. The top painting is the first sitting, and the bottom the 2nd sitting. They are both essentially value studies, but I think I like it without much color for now. I am not sure if I will add any more color, or keep it very monotone. They are starting to look like themselves as well. I have to let it cure a little before I can work on it again. I find myself more drawn to work on Naomi's little face than the others. (she is the far right). Maybe because she is looking at the viewer. I force myself to keep the other two up to the same level of finish. There is quite a bit of editing that happens in the process.
Naomi said "If mommy can't sell this painting of me than we get to keep it!!"........sad, and not exactly true.
i love the composition of this painting and naomi's face is brilliant. i'm also liking the monochromatic value system. are you working from photo reference and from life?
Wow! "The "value studies" are stunning, esp. Naomi's face on the first one, I think. I hope oone of them ends up on a wall somewhere in your house! Sorry you didn't win the name contest, but Jackal is very cool. I'll have to give you the prize of Most Desired Friends To Have Over. Can you spare a couple Fifes this week? :)
I love the picture. I am always amazed at what you creat.
Chels, I am working from photos right now and will use the real kiddos when I need them....maybe when finishing. I am using about 8 different photos because I like a hand in one, a shadow in another and evie's foot in a different. Also I thought my film was color, but it was black and white, so I may need to invent color with the live "models". It has been really fun.
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