Well, tomorrow is the last day of my favorite social program called public school. I am always so excited to get rid of schedules and cold and just waste our summer days away drinking lemonade and lying on the grass in our swimsuits. I literally remember living in my swimsuit for weeks when I was little.
So here is my ode to another year of success in the public schools. I was able to paint and clean and shop with almost no interruption. Now for the next 3 months I will have no thoughts that continue, no clean house, no chores completely finished, and one swimsuit and skirt to live in until September, which means a lot less laundry.
The good news is, I have the "shadows'" favorite preteen coming over to tend while I lock myself away in my small studio for hopefully a long and productive Thursday every week. I promise to be strict about my time. No more Law & Order as a "precursor" to painting. No more quick trips to get cheese fries while my brushes are waiting. And no more surfing the internet "looking" for much needed art supplies (and Facebook).
I am excited and ready to play hard and work hard (only on Thursdays), eat popsicles for lunch, and from my garden for dinner. I am excited to only shower on the days I don't go swimming and to go swimming every day (except Thursdays and maybe Sundays). I am excited to have summer hair (see attached picture) that is bleached by the sun and warm skin that smells of sunscreen, and to wear only flip-flops. Here is to the beginning of summer!